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JS5 U12 How water works

  •  English    10     Public
    Detailed information questions
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  • Look at p109. What might people in Colombia use the water for ? A) Brush their teeth B) To transport goods C) Sit and relax on the beach
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  • Look at p109. What country is Columbia in ?
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  • Look at p111. The Columbia river flows in which countries ?
    America and Canada
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  • Page 110. Why does Kevin Aiken use river water to grow cherry trees? A) It is cleaner than use a hose. B) There is not enough rain C) He likes going to the river
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  • P111. Why does the water at Pasco need to be treated at a water treatment plant ? A) The water from the river is not safe B)The water from the river is dirty C) People in Pasco make the river water dangerous to drink
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  • p112. : How does the Dallas dam generate electricity ?
    Water rushes through the dam and turns machines that make electricity.
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  • P 113. Explain in steps (first, second, third) how boxes and bags are made from recycled paper at Longview paper plant.
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  • Is Astoria at the end or the start of the Columbia river ?
    At the end
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  • After Astoria where does the river go ?
    Into the ocean
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  • P 114. Why do people use barges to move goods ? A) Barges are faster than trucks and they can get goods quicker by travelling on water. B) Barges are easy to drive C) Barges are big and can carry a lot of things.
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