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The stolen generations- questions and answers

  •  English    13     Public
    The story of the stolen generation
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What was the most shocking event in Aboriginal people's history?
    The government took away their children.
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  • When were the first indigenous chidren removal?
    in 1800s
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  • Why were the children taken from their families?
    The Australian government thought they would have a better life in white society.
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  • What happened the ,,stolen" children after their removal?
    They received poor education and they were forced to do unpaid physical work.
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  • What did the Australian government want to with the indigenous boodline?
    They wanted to wipe it out.
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  • What were the removed Aboriginal expected to do in marriage?
    They had to marry white people.
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  • What was the long- lasting effects of the Stolen generation? (language, culture)
    They lost their traditions and weren't allowed to practice their langugae.
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  • Who was the prime minister who gave a public apology to the Stolen Generations?
    Minister Kevin Rudd
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  • What happened in 1970s?
    The Australian government stopped the removal of Aboriginal children.
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  • What is the special day the Australian people commorate since 2008?
    National Sorry Day
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  • What was the relevance of public apology to the Stolen Generation?
    It was the first step in moving forward as an Australian nation.
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  • What did the Australian government purpose to provide removal children?
    a better education, care and opportunities in society
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  • Were there any cotact between the removal children and their families?
    No, it wasn't allowed.
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