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Superlative and comparative quiz

  •  Portuguese    25     Public
    Superlative and comparative quiz Escola Projeto 21 Year 7 2020
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  • What is Disney's oldest movie?  A) Cinderella B) Sleeping Beauty C) Snow white and the seven dwarves
    Snow white and the seven dwarves
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  • Which is the most poisonous animal in the world? (Lorena) A) The taipan snake B) The king cobra C) The black widow spider
    A) The taipan snake
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  • Where is the deepest place on Earth? (Caio) A) Krubera cave B) Mariana Trench C) Dormant volcano
    Mariana Trench
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  • What is the biggest flying bird in the world? (Mateus H.) A) Condor B) Eagle C) Vulture
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  • Who is the fastest human in the world? (David) A) Florence Griffith-Joyner B) Leonard Fournette C) Usain Bolt
    C) Usain Bolt
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  • Who is the richest man in the world? (Mateus M.) A) Jeff Bezos B) Bill Gates C) Warren Buffett
    Jeff Bezos
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  • Which is smaller, a pygmy sea horse or hummingbird? (Gabriel)
    Pygmy sea horse.
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  • Which is bigger, the Asian elephant or African elephant? (Pietra)
    African elephant
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  • Which is more dangerous, the shark or the blue whale? (Graziela)
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  • What is the deepest lake on Earth? (VIctor) A) Lake Michigan, USA B) Lake Titicaca, Bolivia / Peru C) Lake Baikal, Russia
    Lake Titicaca
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  • Who is slower, the Pheromosa or Snorlax? (Tarek)
    Snorlax is slower than Pheromosa.
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  • What is the deepest river in the world? (Sofia M.) A) Sac Actun, Mexico B) Congo-Lualaba-Chambeshi, Congo B) Yarlung Tsangpo, Tibet
    B) Congo-Lualaba-Chambeshi, Congo
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  • Which is the strongest animal? (Kenzo) A) Dung Beetle B) Rinhoceros Beetle C) Leafcutter Ant
    Dung Beetle
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  • Which is the smallest city in the world? (Sofia B.) A) Hum, Croatia B) Aosta Valley, Italy C) Chongqing, China
    Hum, Croatia
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  • What is the most played video game in the world? (Francisco) A) Fortnite B) Crossfire C) Minecraft
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  • Which the fastest water animal in the world ? (Sofia B.) A) White shark B) European eel C) Sailfish
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