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Formula C1 Unit 1 vocabulary

  •  English    8     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Javi never does anything half-heartedly. He always throws himself ______ new experiences and adventures.
    throw yourself into something
  •  15
  • Many people devote themselves ______ their work because they see it as a reflection of their success in life.
    devote oneself to something
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  • There are a number of health problems associated ______ poor diet, such as cholesterol and diabetes.
    accociated with something
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  • Many new businesses sprung ______ quickly earlier this year when they relaxed tax regulations.
    spring up = to grow or appear suddenly
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  • 7 Phone companies are always coming out ______ new updates and versions of their phones. It’s hard to keep up!
    come out with = say something in a sudden, rude, or incautious way
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  • Unfortunately, the elderly are far more likely to fall ______ internet scams than any other demographic.
    fall for = to be tricked into believing something that is not true
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  • Backing ______ from an argument doesn’t necessarily prove that you’re wrong. It can often show a high level of maturity and compromise.
    back down = to admit that you were wrong or that you have been defeated
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  • Research has shown that people who were eldest children are more likely to put themselves _____ for management roles than people who were middle or youngest children.
    put forward for = to offer an idea or opinion, or suggest a plan or person, for other people to consider
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