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Kind Words Scenarios

  •  English    10     Public
    Using kind words during conflicts
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A classmate’s hair looks a little messy today. What should you do?
    Ignore it or kindly tell them their hair is messy
  •  5
  • A classmate falls at recess and gets their pants wet. What should you do or say?
    Help them get up, help them find a teacher, comfort them if they are sad
  •  10
  • A classmate is struggling to answer a question that you think is easy. What should you do?
    Give them time to think, ask if they want help, remember that everyone has different strengths
  •  15
  • A classmate is doing something that is bothering you. What should you do?
    Kindly ask them to stop, use kind words to tell them how you feel, talk to an adult
  •  5
  • You pass someone who looks different than you. What should you do?
    Remember that everyone is different, be respectful
  •  5
  • Your friends want to play a different game than you. What should you do?
    Make a compromise, find others to play with, use kind words
  •  15
  • You and a classmate both want to use the same color crayon. What should you do?
    Share and take turns, talk it out
  •  10
  • Your friend is talking to someone you don’t like. What should you do?
    Leave them alone; they are allowed to have other friends
  •  10
  • A classmate asks you to play with them, but you don’t want to. What should you do?
    Politely say “no thank you”
  •  15
  • Someone is staring at you and you’d like them to stop. What should you do?
    Politely say “can you please stop looking at me?”, speak to a teacher
  •  15