Game Preview


  •  English    44     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Why do you wear sunglasses?
    because the sun is bright
  •  15
  • Why do cars have windows?
    so you can see out
  •  15
  • Why do you wear a bathing suit?
    so you can go swimming
  •  15
  • Why do we have blankets?
    so we can stay warm/cover up
  •  15
  • Why do you peel a banana?
    so you can eat it
  •  15
  • Why does a house have a roof?
    so it can cover/shelter people
  •  15
  • Why do you wear mittens or gloves?
    so your hands will be warm
  •  15
  • Why does a computer have a mouse?
    so you can click on things
  •  15
  • Why do you water a plant?
    so it will grow
  •  15
  • Why does a giraffe have a long neck?
    so it can reach the trees
  •  15
  • Why do you take a bath?
    so you can be clean
  •  15
  • Why does a pencil have an eraser?
    so you can erase mistakes
  •  15
  • Why do you recycle?
    because it is good for our world/the environment
  •  15
  • Why do you say please and thank you?
    because it is good manners
  •  15
  • Why do you go to a doctor?
    because you are sick/hurt
  •  15
  • Why do you go to a dentist?
    so your teeth can get cleaned
  •  15