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Time Management (Gold)

  •  English    12     Public
    Review of time management
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • True or false: Prioritizing means saving the important tasks like school work for last.
    FALSE! Prioritizing means putting the important tasks FIRST on your list. You should do the important tasks like school work before any free time tasks.
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  • True or false: Feeling stressed out and getting in trouble with your teacher or boss are examples of natural consequences.
    TRUE! These natural consequences happen when we don't complete our responsibilities or manage our time well.
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  • True or false: Distance learning requires strong time management because we are spending more time at home and we are more responsible for how we spend our time.
    TRUE! Time management is more important than ever when we are doing distance learning.
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  • True or false: Time management is a skill that people either have or they don't have.
    FALSE! Time management takes practice, and with the right amount of practice and appropriate strategies, anyone can learn to manage their time effectively!
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  • True or false: Procrastination means that you start your school work really early and give yourself plenty of time to complete it.
    FALSE! Procrastination means that you wait until the last minute to complete important tasks.
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  • True or false: There are many time management strategies that can help me manage my time well.
    TRUE! There are several different strategies to help you with time management.
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  • True or false: Good time management means to complete free time activities before school work activities.
    FALSE! You should complete school work activities first and then you'll have time to enjoy your free time activities.
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  • True or false: Priorities are the same for everyone.
    FALSE! Priorities are different for each person based on what is important to them.
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  • Spongebob has a homework assignment to do for boating school, but he also needs to fold his laundry. Which one should he prioritize on his to do list?
    His homework assignment! This is more important to get done first. When he is done he can focus on folding his laundry.
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  • What should be prioritized on your to do list: video games or completing your independent work for school?
    Completing your independent work for school. Once your important tasks are finished, you'll have time for your free time activities.
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  • True or false: In the video, the BIG ROCKS represented our free time activities.
    FALSE! The BIG ROCKS represented our important activities, like school work.
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  • True or false: It is your parents responsibility to help you manage your time.
    FALSE! Managing your time is your responsibility. You have to use your planner and set reminders to help yourself manage your time!
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