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Social Studies Week 34 review

  •  English    14     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Geographical factors are____
    circumstances that affect an area.
    factors related to climate.
    elements in a landscape.
  •  15
  • True or False: Landforms are natural shapes on the Earth surface.
  •  15
  • Examples of geographical factors are :
    Climate, landforms, population...
  •  15
  • Name 3 examples of surface waters in your region.
    Bio bio river, Andalien river, Llanquihue lake, etc
  •  15
  • Biodiversity is related to...
    Flora and fauna in a region.
    Only plants.
    Only animals.
  •  15
  • True or False: The Far North ends in the peruvian border.
    False. It ends in Copiapo river.
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  • What is the main characteristic of the Costal mountain range in the Far North?
    There are cliff that form the Coastal cliff. ( Farellón Costero)
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  • In the Andes mountain range you can find a long plain terrain called...
    High Plateau.
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  • The biggest cities in the Far North are located....
    in the coastal plains.
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  • Why do rivers carry little water in the Far North?
    Because their flow depend on the amount of rain.
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  • How is the temperature in the desert climate in the Far North?
    High during the day and cold at night.
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  • What characteristic does the vegetation have in the Far North? Why?
    They answer.
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  • Where do people normally live in the Farth North?
    In the coastal area.
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  • Name 3 important cities in the Far North.
    They answer.
  •  15