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Jokes for Kids

  •  English    10     Public
    Jokes in English for kids. source:
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  • What is full of holes but can still hold water?
    A sponge!
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  • What do you get if a cow jumps up and down?
    A milkshake!
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  • What's a snake's favorite subject at school?
    Hissssstory! Explanation: Snakes 'hissss'. If you add a longer 'ssss' sound to history you hear the noise a snake makes.
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  • Where do cows go on the weekend?
    To the moo-vies! 'Moo' is the noise that cows make. The 'movies' is also called the cinema.
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  • What fish only swims at night?
    A starfish!
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  • Why are fish so clever?
    Because they are always in schools. You know what the word 'school' means, but did you know that it's also the word used for a group of fish?
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  • Why did the child study in the aeroplane?
    He wanted a higher education! 'Higher education' is when you continue studying at college or university when you finish school. Aeroplanes fly high in the sky.
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  • What do you call a fly without wings?
    A walk! If a fly doesn't have any wings it can't fly, it can only walk!
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  • Why didn't the skeleton go to the party?
    He had no body to go with! No body = he doesn't have a body Nobody = no one The poor skeleton had no one to go to the party with!
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  • Which ant is bigger than an elephant?
    A gi-ant!
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