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Time Management

  •  English    17     Public
    Review of how to manage time at home
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You're spending the day at home today (it is a Monday). You have 2 homework assignments to do, one that is due on Wednesday and one that is due on Friday. You also have to fold your laundry. What should come first?
    The homework assignment that is due on WEDNESDAY! This one is the most important because it is the MOST time sensitive and important.
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  • Figuring out which activities are most important and which ones to focus on FIRST is called ...
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  • This is the process of organizing your time and planning how to divide your time between different activities.
    Time management
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  • True or false: We should fill up all of our time with free time activities.
    False! If you do this, you won't have time to complete the high priority activities like school work.
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  • Spongebob has an important paper due for boating school tomorrow. He was up all night hanging out at Patrick's house. Now, he is in trouble with Mrs. Puff and he is feeling very stressed out and upset...what is this called?
    A natural consequence
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  • Name 2 time management strategies that can help you balance your time effectively.
    Using a planner, a to do list, taking breaks, starting early, etc.
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  • True or false: Time management is EXTRA important during a time when most of us are doing some distance learning (doing school work/having responsibilities while we are at home).
    TRUE! Time management is more important than ever because we are spending more time than usual at home and have to be in charge of ourselves.
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  • When using a to do list, should you cross off activities as you complete them? YES or NO
    YES! This helps you stay on track and see what you have done and what you still have to do.
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  • Timmy Turner has a homework assignment due tomorrow that he hasn't started. This is an example of...
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  • What does procrastination mean?
    To wait until the last minute to get something done
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  • True or false: Being an effective time manager takes practice.
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  • True or false: Our parents are in control of our time management.
    FALSE! You are in control of your own time management and have to be responsible for your own time.
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  • Take a walk outside, watch a movie, complete my independent work for school, take a nap. Which one of these activities should be prioritized or come first?
    Completing your independent work for school. Once that is done, you will have time for your free time activities.
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  • Watch a movie, play a video game, exercise, draw, make a snack. Which should come first?
    It is up to you! These are all free time activities, so you get to pick what you want to do first since these are not time sensitive.
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  • Are priorities the same for each person or are they different for each person?
    Priorities are different for each person based on what is important to them.
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  • True or false: Starting your day by making a schedule and sticking to it is a good way to manage your time.
    True! This is a great way to stick to your priorities and make sure you're getting the most important things done first!
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