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Academic Stress and Time Management

  •  English    7     Unlisted
    Time Management Tips
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is time management?
    Time management is the process of dividing and organizing one’s time among different tasks in order to increase productivity .
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  • What is a To-Do List and why is it important?
    A list of tasks that you need to do. It allows you to keep track of all the tasks you have already completed and the ones you still have left to do.
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  • What does it mean to prioritize a task?
    To do the most important task first.
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  • Why should you set achievable goals?
    Setting achievable goals helps to reduce academic stress because the tasks are more manageable as they are within your capabilities.
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  • Give 3 examples of things that may cause distraction.
    Social media, devices, friends...
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  • How can a timetable help you to manage your time?
    It helps you to schedule particular tasks on a specific days for an allotted amount of time. This structures a clear routine that is easy to follow.
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  • Why is taking breaks important?
    Breaks help you to relax and refocus so that you can be more productive.
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