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Etiquette Exploration

  •  English    22     Featured
    Etiquette can be hard to understand, but it helps us to be culturally appropriate and polite. Guess if each sentence is true or false, or answer the questions
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  • In Afghanistan, when bread is dropped on the floor, it’s lifted and kissed. 
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  • Showing up fashionably late is socially acceptable in Canada, while showing up on time or early is not. 
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  • True or false: Chileans never use utensils. It’s good manners to touch your meal with your hands. 
    FALSE. Chileans always use utensils. It’s bad manners to touch any part of your meal with your hands.
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  • True or false: In Egypt, you should refill your own glass. 
    False. You should never refill your own glass. The host will do it for you.
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  • True or false: Ethiopians consider it wasteful to eat with more than one plate for a group. Diners share one plate and eat with their left hand.
    False. Ethiopians consider it wasteful to eat with utensils or with more than one plate for a group. Diners share one plate and eat with their right hand.
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  • True or false: Georgians only toast with wine or vodka, or with beer if they wish someone bad luck. 
    True. They do so in a circle, up to 10-15 times, and each drink has to be finished in one gulp.
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  • In Italy, don’t put Parmesan on pizza. 
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  • In which country is slurping, usually when eating noodles or soup, a sign of appreciation for the chef?
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  • In which country is it polite to eat tacos with your hands?
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  • Should you use your right or left hand to eat food in Middle Eastern countries?
    Right hand.
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  • In which country is it considered an insult to the chef if you add salt to the food?
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  • When visiting a home party in France, should you bring a bottle of wine?
    No, French homes take pride in their wine selection. By bringing a bottle of wine to the party, you are implying that the wine they have to offer simply is
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  • This sign means OK in Germany. 
    NO!! Never make this sign in Germany. It does not mean OK in Germany, Turkey and South America.
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  • When someone gives you something, say please. 
    False. Say thank you.
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  • In Korea, use two hands to take something as a sign of respect. 
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  • In India, it is more polite to call than it is to text. 
    False. In India, it is more polite to text than it is to call.
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