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    Elie Wiesel's memoir Night
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  • When Elie is in the hospital what is he most frightened about?
    selections were more numerous there
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  • How do Elie and his father survive the first selection?
    they lie about their age
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  • Elie is shocked to see Rabbi Eliahou's son do what?
    tries to leave his father on purpose
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  • What is a theme (universal message) Wiesel tries to convey in Night
    People's will to survive can cause people to lose all sense of humanity etc.
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  • Where does Elie live before being deported?
    Sighet, Transylvania; near Hungary
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  • Describe life in the ghettos.
    Not particularly harsh. Nazis slowly took away rights to create a sense of normalcy
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  • In a flash forward, who does Elie run into in Paris?
    The French Girl
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  • What do the Jews wish to do after being liberated?
    To eat, to rest, and to sleep with girls
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  • How did the townsfolk react to Moise the Beadle after returning from deportation?
    they did not believe his stories and thought he was mad
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  • How does Moishe escape from being executed?
    pretends to be dead after being shot in the leg
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  • Night is considered to be of what genre of literature?
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  • What is Elie's inheritance?
    A knife and a spoon
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  • What does Elie do after discovering the death of his father?
    he is secretly and falls back asleep
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  • Elie has the chance to stay behind at the hospital at Buna but chooses to march forward, what would have resulted if he and his father stayed behind?
    They would have been rescued
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  • When does Elie see his mother and sister again?
    He does not, they perish in the Holocaust
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  • What does Elie's father think he is too young for?
    to study the Kabbalah
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