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Table Manners for the FLS Population 2

  •  English    25     Public
    Table and Restaurant manners for the life skills population
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Why should you look in the mirror after you eat?
    To check to see if your face is clean or if there are any spills on your shirt.
  •  15
  • Would you ever blow your nose on your table napkin?
    No, excuse yourself and go to the restroom to blow your nose.
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  • What do you do at a restaurant when you need a refill on your drink?
    Make eye contact with the waiter, and when he sees you ask politely for another drink.
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  • What do you say to your waiter if you need a refill on your drink?
    "May I have a refill please" there another way to ask?
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  • If you know the restaurant will be very busy, what could you do to make your wait for a table shorter?
    Call ahead or make a reservation.
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  • If your soup is too hot, do you announce it to the table?
    No, wait for it too cool.
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  • Do you slurp your soup or milkshakes at the table?
    No. If it won't sip nicely through a straw you can use a spoon
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  • Why shouldn't you drink from someone else's cup, can or glass?
    It spreads germs
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  • Name 5 foods that may be eaten with your fingers?
    Carrot Sticks, pizza, sandwiches, bacon, ribs, hamburger, french fries
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  • What do you do if you find hair in your food?
    If at home, take your plate to the kitchen and throw that food with hair in it in the garbage. If at a restaurant, quietly inform the waiter and ask for a meal
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  • What 5 items are used to set the dinner table?
    1. Placemats or tablecloth 2. napkins 3. dinner plates 4. glasses 5. forks 6. teaspoons 7. knives. (use matching sets if possible)
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  • How do you grab a baked potato when getting your food?
    Place potato on a plate using a pot holder. (It will be hot)
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  • How do you prepare the baked potato to eat?
    1. Remove foil 2. Cut the potato down the middle with knife. 3. Mash both ends toward the middle with fork.
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  • At which point will you add condiments (salt & pepper, sour cream, butter, etc) to your baked potato?
    After cutting it open and mashing both sides of the potato. Enjoy!
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  • How do you butter bread?
    Using a butter knife, scoop out a small amount of butter. While holding your bread over your plate, gently spread the butter on the bread.
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  • What do you do with the butter knife after using it to butter the bread or roll?
    Place the butter knife on the side of your plate.
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