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SAT Words 1

  •  English    12     Public
    SAT words
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  • We must ABANDON the boathouse until the storm is over. ABANDON all hope of seeing your family again.
    abandon- to give up something forever, to leave in a time of danger.      synonym- flee
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  • The student ABBREVIATED most of the words in his or her class notes to keep up with he teacher's lecture
    abbreviate- to shorten something by leaving a part to parts out.    synonym- shortened 
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  • you have the ABILITY to succeed at what you attempt.
    ability- 1. being able, having power to do something 2. skill, power, expertise
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  • the 9 hour Lord of the Rings trilogy was ABRIDGED to 1 1/2 hours for its television broadcast
    1. to reduce in scope; 2. to shorten while maintaining the essence.   synonym- condense
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  • The boy ABSCONDED as he was being chased by police following the robbery he committed
    to run away and hide; especially to avoid capture by law enforcers.  synonym- flee
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  • The jury ABSOLVED the accused of any wrongdoing. The Lord ABSOLVED the sinner and forgave him.
    to declare free from guilt; 2. to free from duty or a promise. synonym- acquit
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  • The sponge ABSORBED the entire spill
    1. to suck up; 2. to take up the full energy or attention of; engross; 3. to take in and incorporate; 4. to assume the full cost. synonym- engross
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  • I shall ABSTAIN from smoking and drinking in order to remain healthy.
    to hold back (from); refrain from. synonym- refrain
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  • I had an ABSTRACT idea of what he meant, but I was not positive.
    adj. 1. not concrete; thought of apart from any material object; synonym- theoretical 
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  • The outfit that Gino wore with the red and white striped shirt and the green and yellow checked pants was ABSURD
    adj. 1. so obviously untrue as to be laugh- able; 2. laughably different from what is reasonable. synonym- ridiculous
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  • When you tell people about your vacation, ACCENTUATE the high points and play down the low points.
    1. to pronounce or mark with a stress or accent; 2. emphasize synonym- emphasize
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  • Eating peas at a restaurant using only your knife is not considered ACCEPTABLE manners.
    adj. adequate; tolerable; bearable; okay synonym-tolerable
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