Game Preview


  •  English    9     Public
    Sharpen your Social Thinking skills by trying to stop the Unthinkables and make EXPECTED choices like Superflex, the superhero.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You and your friend are playing Monopoly together. Your friend is beating you and is about to win, so you shove the game board, which dumps the game pieces off the board. What is your friend thinking? Which Unthinkable is at work?
    "Man, he's such a bad sport. I don't want to play with him anymore." DOF (Destroyer of Fun)
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  • You and your friends are having a conversation about your cat. One friend is looking at his phone and says, "Does your cat play with toys?" You say, "That's what I just said...weren't you listening?" Which Unthinkable is at work?
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  • You're waiting in line at the water fountain and someone is taking a long time to drink. You shove her out of the way and take your turn. Which Unthinkable is taking over your brain?
    Mean Jean
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  • Your friend tells you, "I loved the new Star Wars movie!" You say nothing and just look away. What Unthinkable is invading your brain? What is your friend thinking?
    Unwonderer "Did they hear me? Are they listening? Do they care about what I'm saying?"
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  • You're at the grocery store picking out some fish for dinner when suddenly a woman walks up to you and reaches over you to grab some salmon. Which Unthinkable is taking over her mind and what thoughts do you have?
    Space Invader "Why is she doing that? She should just wait her turn."
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  • One guy asked his friend, "How was your weekend?" His friend replied, "Good." The first guy said, "I went on a lake trip. We rode jet skis, went swimming, and looked at the cliffs." His friend said NOTHING and stared.What Unthinkable is it?
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  • A boy falls off a chair. You start to laugh because it looked so funny when he fell. Is this expected or unexpected. Why?
    It depends - you should look at their face to see if they think it's funny. If they look upset, then WasFunnyOnce may be invading because we shouldn't laugh.
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  • My friend wants to play Roblox but I tell him that I want to play Fortnite instead. My friend starts screaming, "I SAID I WANT TO PLAY ROBLOX!!!!" What Unthinkables are at work? What should you do?
    Rock Brain AND Glassman - I can say to my friend, "It looks like you need a break, so I'll give you some space. When you feel better, we can talk calmly."
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  • You're at the library and notice a big pimple on the librarian's nose. You say, "Wow, that's a big pimple...does it hurt?" Is this expected or unexpected and why? What Unthinkable might be at work? What is the librarian thinking?
    Mean Jean
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