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US Naturalization test

  •  English    101     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is one responsibility for only US citizens
    Serve on a jury and aun for federal office
  •  15
  • Name one right only for US citizens
    vote in a federal election and aun for federal office
  •  15
  • What are two Rights of everyone living in the United States
    Freedom of expression/speech/assembly/petition the Government,religion, Bear arms
  •  15
  • what do we show loyalt to when we way the pledge of the allegiance
    the United Staes, the flan
  •  15
  • what is one premies you make when you become a US citizen
    give up royalty to other countries, defend the Constitution and laws of the US, obey the laws, serve in the US military (if needed), serve, be loyal
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  • How old do you need to be to vote for president
  •  15
  • What are two Ways Americans can participante in their democracy
    vote, join a politcal party, help with a campaign, join a civic group, join a Community group, run for office, give opinión to elected official, wrtie to newspa
  •  15
  • what is the Elst day you can send in federal income tax forms
    April 15
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  • When must all man register for the selective serve
    At are eighteen, between 18-26
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  • what is one reason colonist came to america
    freedom, politcal Liberty, religios freedom, economic opportunity, practice their religion, escapre persecution
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  • who lived in america before the europeans arrived
    American Indians and native Americans
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  • wwhat group of people was taken to america and sold as slaves
    africans and/or people from africa
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  • wwhat group of people was taken to america and sold as slaves
    africans and/or people from africa
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  • Why did the colonists fight the British
    because of High taxes, the British Army stayed in their houses, because they didnt have self-governement
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  • Who wrote the declaration of independence
    Thomas Jefferson
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  • when was the declaration of Independence adopted
    July 4, 1776
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