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War and Conflict 2 (1947 - present)

  •  English    18     Public
    A review of the Israel-Palestine conflict, the Syrian Civil War and the Russo-Ukraine war
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  • What were the main causes of the Syrian conflict?
    Corruption, Unemployment, Climate change
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  • Why did the Jewish people need a homeland after 1947?
    After the Holocaust of World War Two many Jews were fleeing persecution and looking for a place to settle..
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  • What were the main causes of the Ukraine conflict?
    The Cold War, Energy and Climate change
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  • Which war(s) have created refugees?
    All of them
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  • In what way is the Cold War linked to the war in Ukraine?
    Tensions between Russia and The West still exist. Ukraine acted as a neutral buffer-zone between Russia and Europe.
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  • How have natural disasters effected people in Syria?
    Droughts caused by deforestation, over-grazing and soil erosion caused great damage to farms, the price of food went up and the countries oil supplies reduced.
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  • Which war has effected people in East Africa?
    The war in Ukraine
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  • Why do the Jews think they should be able to live in Israel?
    It was their ancestral home
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  • Why do Palestinians think they should able to live in Palestine?
    Palestinian Arabs had been living there for centuries.
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  • What were the main causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
    European Imperialism, Jewish Persecution, Historical Claims
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  • Which war began in 2011?
    The Syrian Civil War
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  • Which war began in 1948?
    The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
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  • Which war began in 2022?
    The Russian Invasion of Ukraine
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  • How many Ukrainians have left their country as of August 2022?
    6.6 million
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  • How was Syria effected by Covid-19?
    It's one of the countries worst affected: 3,100 dead, and only 7.4% are vaccinated
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  • Which wars were caused (at least in part) by climate change?
    Syria and Ukraine
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