Game Preview

QA Grid

  •  English    21     Public
    QA Grid
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Name 2 things that we should always include in our agenda
    The time duration and set expectation that we will implement on the call
  •  15
  • Give an example of using your preparation to lead into discovery
    "I saw on your website that you are running a promo, can you tell me more about this?" (or similar)
  •  20
  • What are the 5 discovery items that need to be covered on every single call?
    Goal, Budget, Audience, Creatives, and Seasonality/Promos
  •  20
  • If you are unsure of what question to ask, what is a source that you can use to help find relevant questions and also determine a recommendation?
    Pitch Wizard
  •  10
  • When is it appropriate to ask the client if they have pixel?
    Never - that should be uncovered in our preparation
  •  15
  • Name 2 sources that we can use to prep for a call
    Ads manager, client website, CRM, Facebook page, IG page, etc.
  •  5
  • Put these items in the correct order: Send Bluejeans, Ask for input, Recap discovery, Pitch, explain FAB,
    Recap, Pitch, FAB, Input, Bluejeans
  •  25
  • Where can we go to find budget recommendations and guidance?
    Knowledge Base
  •  10
  • If our client cannot implement right there on the call, what must we do? (3 items)
    Get a commitment that they will implement, schedule a follow up, send an email recap
  •  20
  • When are you expected to recap on your calls?
    At two points - after discovery, and at the very end of the call
  •  25
  • What do we need to manually include in every follow up email?
    The survey link
  •  5
  • After we click "publish", what do we still need to do before closing the call? (4 items)
    Schedule our next call, recap, go over next steps, set an agenda for our next call
  •  25
  • How many prep items should be displayed on each call?
  •  15
  • True or False: If a client cannot figure out how to set up their ad, we can show them how to do it on our own screen by sharing over Bluejeans
    FALSE - never share your screen! This is a security risk!
  •  15
  • True or False: we must verify the client's email address by asking if the one we have on file is correct
    FALSE - they must provide their own email
  •  15
  • True or False: If a client asks you to speak with their marketing personnel, we can only do so if that person is an admin on the account
    FALSE - as long as they have the ad account ID, we can discuss ads with them
  •  15