Game Preview

What's happening

  •  English    21     Public
    Guess what is happening in each picture.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What does the fox find after being abducted?
    The fox finds experiments in jars.
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  • Have you ever done something silly to avoid a bee?
    Great answer!
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  • What happened to the Rubix cube after drinking coffee?
    The Rubix cube became solved and woke up with energy.
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  • What gift did the human recieve?
    A mouse/rat to the face.
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  • Why are the cats eyes glittery/shiny?
    The cat see's a room full of empty boxes to play in.
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  • The sign has instructions how many species?
    2 species one for dogs and one for humans.
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  • What happens when the fox, rabbit and raccoon see the picture?
    They see that their faces look funny/weird/silly.
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  • What does the fox do?
    The fox shaves half of his body to copy a hairstyle.
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  • How does the boy continue to write after his light dies?
    He uses the light from an idea to continue writing.
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  • Why is the boy shocked/frightened?
    He thinks that his dog is actually dead. The dog tricks him.
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  • What does this comic strip show.
    That movies made based on a book are _____.
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  • Why does the man decide to cancel his order?
    The shipping cost is more than the cost of the product.
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  • Why are the fox and badger laughing?
    They are laughing because the rabbit looks funny in the yearbook.
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  • Why are the Pacman ghosts angry?
    They think the Snapchat ghost is stealing their fame/popularity.
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  • How does time at work/school feel like in the picture?
    It feels eternal/infinite ∞
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  • Why are the players sweating?
    They are waiting anxiously for the girl (Pearl) to remove a block from the Jenga tower.
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