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  •  English    21     Public
    Figurative language and literature concepts
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  • What Is Tone in Literature?
    In literary analysis, tone is an author's attitude toward their subject matter. The author's tone in a literary work can reflect their personal opinion.
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  • How does the author create tone in their work?
    Authors convey tone through their word choice, punctuation, and sentence structure.
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  • What Is Mood in Literature?
    The atmosphere of a piece and the overall feeling it conveys to the reader.
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  • How is mood created by the author?
    Authors convey mood through figurative language and literary devices.
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  • Identify the figurative device in the example: Her love for her children is as constant as the passing of time.
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  • Identify the figurative device in the example: The tall trees were curtains that surrounded us during our picnic.
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  • Identify the figurative device in the example: The tree's limb cracked and groaned when lightning hit it.
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  • Identify the figurative device in the example: The wet firewood hissed and crackled, but did not want to burn at all.
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  • Identify the figurative device in the example: The loud silence of night keeps him awake.
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  • Identify the figurative device in the example: I've told you a million times to clean your room!
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  • Identify the figurative device in the example: We're up, wide-eyed, and wondering while we wait for others to awaken.
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  • Identify the figurative device in the example: I tried with all my might to fly that kite.
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  • What is an idiom?
    An idiom is a commonly used expression that has acquired a meaning different from its literal meaning.
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  • Identify the figurative device in the example: The children could not play baseball because it was raining cats and dogs outside.
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  • Identify the figurative device in the example: She was Helen of Troy of the class and made all the boys fight.
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  • What is synecdoche?
    Synecdoche is a figure of speech that uses a part of something to refer to its whole.
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