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The case of Roe v. Wade

  •  English    10     Public
    Comprehensive questions
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  • When was the final ruling? A. 20/1/1973 B. 21/1/1973 C. 22/1/1973 D. 25/1/1973
    C. 22/1/1973
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  • Who served as the president of the U.S. at the time Roe v Wade rised? A. George Bush B. Jimmy Carter C. Theodore Roosevelt D. Harry Truman
    B. Jimmy Carter
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  • In which pregnancy trimester(s) can the state enact legislation on abortion? A. The first and third trimester B. The third trimester C. The first and the second trimester D. The second trimester
    D. The second trimester
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  • The right to abortion was implied in which of the following concept mentioned in the 14th Amendment? A. Liberty B. Privacy C. Property D. Safety
    A. Liberty
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  • Complete the sentence with no more than two words: The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 7-2 decision, affirms the legality of a woman’s right to have an abortion under the Fourteenth Amendment to the _____________ 
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  • Complete the sentence with no more than two words: The case was brought by Norma McCorvey—known by the legal pseudonym "__________", who, in 1969, became pregnant with her third child.
    Jane Roe
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  • Complete the sentence with no more than two words: Women’s right to abortions was described by Justice Blackmun in his writing for the majority as _________
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  • TRUE/ FALSE : Population control advocates thought that legalizing abortion would help solve the coming population crisis that demographers had projected.
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  • TRUE/ FALSE : Roe v. Wade hadn’t exerted any impact upon the US labor supply
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  • TRUE/ FALSE: Whether or not abortion right is stated in the Constitution depends significantly on the intepretation of each individual/organization 
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