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Chapter eleven - The Street Lawyer by John Grish ...

  •  English    8     Public
    Graded readers - B1
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Can you explain, in your own words, what BAIL is?
    BAIL is a possibility that criminals or prisoners have to be free. They pay (a lot of) money to be out of prison for some time. Maybe only rich people can pay.
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  • Can you describe THE CELL where Michael was? Think about the people there and their behaviour.
    (For example) Most of the prisoners were young, black men and they were quite violent.
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  • Most of the prisoners are black. What does this tell you about the United States?
    That black people usually are the target of police officers. Generally, black people are to blame.
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  • Is Ruby still under rehabilitation?
    No, she isn't, but she will get back.
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  • What was Michael thinking about when "NO WEDDING RING ON HER FINGER"?
    Marrying Megan maybe? Or rather, that she is a single woman.
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  • Michael is interested in Megan. Is it because Megan is different from Claire? WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MEGAN AND CLAIRE?
    Megan is interested in Michael's work with the homeless, Claire wasn't. Megan wants to go out, Claire didn't.
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  • The news about Michael’s imprisonment was everywhere. DO YOU THINK MICHAEL'S REPUTATION IS RUINED?
    For example: Profesionally speaking, he might be ruined.
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  • What do you find in common between MICHAEL'S JOB and MEGAN'S JOB?
    They both work for people in need: homeless people and poor women who need help or women with problems.
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