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Water Sustainability

  •  23     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Water quality is worse because of climate change?
  •  15
  • How does climate change affect glaciers
    Climate change does not affect glaciers
    melts the glaciers
    slows glaciers down
    helps glaciers move faster
  •  15
  • What is the WATER FOOTPRINT?
    La marca de agua de un alimento
    La cantidad de agua que se necesita para producir 1 producto
  •  25
  • What is the WATER FOOTPRINT of a ketchup envelope?
    7 litres
    1 litre
    10 litres
    5 litres
  •  25
  • What is the water foodprint of a pair of jeans?
    500 litres
    1.000 litres
    5.000 litres
    10.000 litres
  •  25
  • How does CLIMATE CHANGE influences the water of ocean ?
    by making it colder
    by increasing the heat of water
  •  25
  • Which of the below is the best definition of WATER FOOTPRINT?
    The total amount of water available on Earth
    The total amount of freshwater consumed by a person or group
  •  25