Game Preview

Lesson 15

  •  English    10     Public
    Lesson 15
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is division? What is dividing something?
    Splitting up something, like a pizza or numbers in math. 12 divided by 6 = 2.
  •  15
  • What is mental?
    Relating to the brain
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  • What is an outcome?
    The end of a story, or what happens after a situation occurs.
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  • What is a past time?
    Think of PAST and TIME: Something you enjoyed doing to spend your TIME in the PAST. (Happy flashback).
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  • What is promote?
    To give someone something better, such as a better job.
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  • What it rate?
    To place at a certain level, such as cost or ranking something.
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  • What is regret? What do you feel if you regret something?
    To feel sorry for doing something.
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  • What is talent?
    Something you are good / skilled at!
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  • What is a theory?
    Something you THINK about, but it is not proven yet as FACT.
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  • What is a tournament?
    A game, like a bunch of tennis games is a tournament where you compete with other people.
  •  15