Game Preview

Do you have good habits?

  •  English    14     Public
    With this game you will have to talk about your habits .
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • How many hours do you sleep per night?
    You should sleep at least 8.
  •  15
  • Do you sleep less hours when you have exams?
    You should have a rest and not study the previous night, just revise.
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  • What distracts you the most when you’re studying?
    food cravings/ other students/ mobile phone/ annoying siblings
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  • How often do you brush and floss your teeth a day?
    At least twice / three times a day
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  • Do you avoid alcohol and cigarettes?
    You should
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  • Do you spend more than six hours a day sitting?
    You should exercise, or you may suffer serious health effects including increased risk of obesity, diabetes even a weakened immune system.
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  • Do you usually binge-watch your favourite series during the week?
    You shouldn´t. Getting too little sleep (less than seven hours)on a regular basis can be dangerous.
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  • Do you bite your fingernails?
    You shouldn´t. Our hands usually contains nasty germs that can have easy access to our body .
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  • Do you procrastinate ?
    You shouldn´t delay or put off something until the last minute. It can affect your grades and schoolwork and affect your physical and mental health.
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  • Do you surround yourself with negative people?
    You shouldn´t be with people who make fun of you in an unhealthy way, talk about you behind your back or don’t support you
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  • ‘Are you a glass half full or a glass half empty?’
    Focusing on the cons instead of the pros sets you up for a life of upset, disappointment, stress and frustration
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  • Do you skip breakfast?
    You shouldn´t. When you wake up in the morning, the blood sugar necessary to the function of your brain and muscles are usually quite low.
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  • Do you compare yourself with others?
    If so , these thoughts can affect your entire life including your self-esteem, confidence, body image, life gratitude and modesty.
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  • Are you that type of person who blames your teachers when you don´t get the grades you wanted?
    It´s quite childish. You shouldn´t blame others when you don´t get what you want.
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