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G2B - Lesson 7 (Reading Comp)

  •  English    8     Public
    Why The Sun & Moon Live In The Sky
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • p305 - Why does Moon think Sun is ashamed?
    Sun never invites Water to their house
  •  15
  • p305 - How does Sun feel about his house?
    He is proud of his house
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  • p306 - Why does Water think he can't visit Sun and Moon's house?
    It is not big enough
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  • p306 - How will Sun know when Water arrives at his house?
    He will holler
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  • p306 - What did Sun and Moon do to prepare the house for Water's visit?
    They added rooms and made the roof higher
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  • p307 - How did Sun boast about his house?
    He said "isn't this the largest house you've seen?"
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  • p307 - What did Sun & Moon do when Water entered their house?
    They climbed on the furniture then the roof
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  • p307 - Why do Sun and Moon live in the sky?
    Because they needed to be safe from Water
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