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FF3 - Unit 9 - Lesson 5

  •  English    15     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Where are the Ggantija temples?
    They’re in Malta.
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  • How old are the temples?
    They’re over 5,500 years old.
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  • Are they the oldest temples in  Europe?
    Yes, they are.
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  • What are the longest bridges?
    They are the two bridges over Lake Pontchatrain.
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  • Where are the longest bridges?
    They're in the USA.
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  • How long are the bridges?
    They're nearly 24 miles long.
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  • Can you see land from the middle of the bridges?
    No, we can't./No, I can't.
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  • What is the biggest country in the world?
    Russia is the biggest country in the world.
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  • Is Russia 20% of the Earth's surface?
    No, it isn't. (It's 12.5% of the Earth's surface).
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  • How many different time zones are there in Russia?
    There are 11 different time zones in Russia.
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  • Is Russia between Asia and Africa?
    No, it isn't. It is between Europe and Asia.
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  • What is the longest river in the world?
    The longest river in the world is the NIle.
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  • How long is the Nile?
    It’s 6,695 kilometres long.
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  • How many countries does the Nile flow through in Africa?
    It flows through 9 countries.
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  • From Egypt, where does the Nile flow?
    It flows into the Mediterranean Sea.
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