Game Preview


  •  English    21     Public
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  • Logical thinking can be challenging to artistic people. It means:
    Artistic people belive logical thinking is important.
    Artistic people easily think logically
    It may be difficult for artistic people to think logically
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  • I encourage you to take the swimming lesson. It can be necessary in the future.
    I restrict you from swimming
    I request you to learn how to swim
    I advice you to learn how to swim
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  • I am a career coach. My job is assisting the clients to reach their career goals. "Assisting" means
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  • Taylor Swift is one of the most influential people in the USA. It means:
    She is the richest musician in the USA
    She has a lot of fans
    Nobody knows who Taylor Swift is
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  • He redirects the children from bullying animals to rescuing them. "Redirecting" means
    He rewards the children to do what he wants.
    He changes the children's behaviour and thinking
    He scares the children off and makes them obey him
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