Game Preview

Peer Pressure

  •  English    14     Public
    Techniques and Refusals
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • R asked his mom to buy a video game for his Xbox. His mom said that he was not going to get the video game until he got better Math grades. R told his mom that he would bring up his grades and please could he get the game.
    Begging Pleading
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  • B and C got their lunch and sat down at their table. B bought an ice cream to eat after his lunch. C asked B if he could buy him one. B told him that he didn’t have anymore money. C started to cry and fold his arms.
    Pouting/Being Upset
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  • 4 girls meet up for a movie. R and L go inside to find their seats. M and T tell them they should see a movie for older kids. If they do, they will be friends forever.
    Buddy Buddy/BFF
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  • G and L are sisters who ride the bus with Sam. Everyday they won't let him pass by to get to his seat. Sam tells them he is going to tell the bus driver. They tell him if he tells he will be sorry.
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  • The class is waiting for their teacher. Two students start chasing each other and knock over and break the teacher's water bottle. They ask the class not to tell who did it and they will bring them candy tomorrow.
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  • W and L are walking and talking. They see B and tell her to send a text to C that people are talking about her. B refuses. W and L say they will tell everyone she is the one spreading rumors.
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  • A friend comes up and asks you to take money from your parent's wallet to buy Pokemon cards. You change the subject to your homework.
    Change the Subject
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  • Josie comes in the class last. When she walks in, she trips and almost falls, but she catches herself. Rachel points at Josie and laughs and calls her clumsy and awkward. Rachel’s friends join in and do the same.
    Putting Others Down
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  • J has a really fun pen that she uses to write with in class. S asked if she can borrow the fun pen, J says no. Everyday S tells J she is pretty because she wants to borrow the pen.
    Buttering You up/compliments
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  • Your brother tells you to take a cookie from the cookie jar before dinner. You tell him no because you will be too full for dinner.
    Give an excuse
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  • On the playground a friend tells you to trip another friend. You turn and walk away without saying anything.
    Walk Away
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  • Your friend wants you to get out of your seat while the teacher is teaching so they will stop teaching. You tell them they can go to the safe place if they need a moment to themselves.
    Offer another Idea
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  • You see two kids talking about taking something from a friend's backpack. You tell them wouldn't it be funny if a bunny jumped out of your friend's backpack.
    Use Humor
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  • A friend whispers to you in class that they need the answer to problem number 4. You do not say anything or look at them and keep working.
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