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G2A - Lesson 2 (Reading Comp)

  •  English    15     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • p11 - Why was mouse covering himself with leaves?
    He was hiding from snake
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  • p12 - Why was mouse hiding from snake?
    He heard snakes are dangerous to mice
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  • p13 - Why did mouse fall into a hole?
    He was not looking at his feet
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  • p14 - Why couldn't mouse get out of the hole?
    He hurt his foot.
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  • p15 - Could squirrel help mouse? (Why/not?)
    No. Because it will be too dark and there might be spiders
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  • p16 - Could rabbit help mouse? (Why/not?)
    No. Because it's too deep and the walls are too straight.
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  • p16 - Could hedgehog help mouse? (Why/not?)
    No. Because the prickles on his back would hurt mouse
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  • p18 - Why did snake ask "Is it a secret?"
    Because Hedgehog was whispering
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  • p19 - What did Squirrel, Rabbit and Hedgehog think of snake's idea?
    They thought it was a bad idea.
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  • p20 - Why was snake surprised that mouse was afraid of him?
    Because they have always been friends.
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  • p22 - What did Squirrel do?
    He got a stick.
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  • p22 - What did Rabbit do?
    He tied Snake's tail around the stick.
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  • p23 - What did Snake do when Mouse grabbed the stick?
    He climbed up the tree and pulled mouse out of the hole.
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  • p24 - Why did Mouse turn pink?
    He thought Snake would hurt him but he was wrong.
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  • p28 - Why was Mouse holding a bouquet of flowers?
    He was going to give them to Snake
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