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  •  English    11     Public
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  • Jupiter's great red spot is actually a large storm. True or false?
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  • 22 humans have walked on the Moon. True or false?
    False, only 12 humans have walked on the Moon.
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  • Humans have landed Ferraris on Mars. True or False?
    False, the type of vehicles on Mars are called ROVERS
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  • Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. True or false?
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  • Mars has the biggest volcano in the Solar System. Is its name Super Volcano?
    No, it's not. It's name is Olympus Mons.
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  • Are Saturn's rings made of chunks of ice and rocks?
    Yes, they are.
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  • It takes 24 hours for the Moon to circle the Earth. True or False?
    False, it takes 29 days. The Earth takes 24 hours to rotate itself.
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  • Is Saturn the only planet with rings?
    No, Uranus also has rings but they are not as visible as Saturn's.
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  • Is the Sun the biggest star in the universe?
    No, it is actually a small one compared with other stars.
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  • Is a burning space rock a meteor?
    Yes, and we call it a "shooting star".
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  • The Earth is the only planet we know that has lots of liquid water
    Yes, it is.
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