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essentials 2 - keep talking

  •  English    16     Public
    answe/ make questions
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  • How many slices of bread do you eat when you are hungry?
    I eat ....slices of bread when I'm hungry
  •  15
  • yes, It's easy to make pancakes.
    Is it easy to make pancakes?
  •  15
  • How many glasses of juice do you drink every day?
    I drink ... glasses of juice every day.
  •  15
  • No, I can't eat a whole cake.
    Can you eat a whole cake?
  •  15
  • How much ketchup do you put on your sandwich?
    I put a lot of/ just a little ketchup on my sandwich.
  •  15
  • I drink a lot of water every day.
    How much water do you drink every day?
  •  15
  • Is it easy do bake a cake?
    Yes, It's very easy to bake a cake/ No, It's not easy/ It's hard to bake a cake.
  •  15
  • Yes, I put a lot of salt on my food.
    Do you put a lot of salt on your food?
  •  15
  • How many glasses of soda do you have at a birthday party?
    I have ... glasses of soda at a birthday party
  •  15
  • I have one piece of cake at a birthday party.
    How many pieces of cake do you have at a birthday party?
  •  15
  • Do you buy bags of chips when you go to the supermarket?
    Yes, I do/ No, I don't.
  •  15
  • I eat a lot of cheese in a week
    How much cheese do you eat in a week?
  •  15
  • How much rice do you eat in a week?
    I eat a lot of/ just a little rice in a week.
  •  15
  • I eat three slices of pizza when I'm hungry
    How many slices of pizza do you eat when you are hungry?
  •  15
  • Are there a few crackers in your bag?
    Yes, there are/ No, there aren't;
  •  15
  • I put a little mustard on my sandwich.
    How much murtard do you put on your sandwich?
  •  15