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Studying abroad

  •  English    9     Public
    Voacbulary and expressions about studying
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • This person is in charge of the school
  •  10
  • You do this when you remember every detail of something
    To know something by heart
  •  15
  • You do this when you have done amazingly well in something (usually a test or a school subject)
    To pass with flying colors
  •  20
  • This happens when you try prepare yourself to an exam by learning a lot very quickly
    To cram for an exam
  •  10
  • This happens when you fail a course and you have to leave school
    To flunk out
  •  20
  • This is your progress written on a piece of paper (or presented digitally). It's shown periodically (bimester, semester etc).
    Report card
  •  5
  • This happens when you should go to class, but you don't
    To cut class
  •  15
  • A person who reads a lot
  •  15
  • This is something that you do when you give your homework to your teacher
    To hand in
  •  10