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Knives out

  •  English    18     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What do we know about Ransom?
    Sarcastic, misse dthe funeral, black sheep of the family
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  • Why didn't Marta stop the car and give up in the car chase in the very beginning?
    She was terrified and shocked
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  • What happene dto the crme lab and why was it important?
    It was burned down, all blood tests were supposed to burn
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  • What do we know about Marta? Why did Harlan leave everything to her?
    She was the only faithful person for him
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  • What did Jacob overhear in the toilet?
    "I am warning you" and that Ransom was cut off the will
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  • What did Harlan promise to Linda before he died?
    They had a game with blind letters and he promised to reveal one important secret
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  • Who do you think and how killed Harlan?
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  • What did Walt want to do?
    To Treathen Marta to make her renounce the inheritance
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  • How did Benot Blanc call the case?
    A donut with a hole
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  • What evidence did Marta try to conceal when walking with Benoit?
    Her footsteps, and a broken piece of trellis from the house, and the CCTV tape
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  • What do we know about Meg?
    She is studying the poetry, dabbling with drugs
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  • How did Benoit Blanc call the Thomby's family when they were waiting for Martha to renounce the inheritance?
    A pack of Vultures on the feast
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  • What did Marta want to do in the house in the last episode?
    She wanted to confess that she injected Harlan with a lethal dose of morphine and medicine
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  • Where was the blood test found ?
    It was in the stash with drugs in the fireplace
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  • What was in the blackmail letter for Marta?
    It was the copy of her medical bag's tag and the information about the blood test
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  • What is the name of the detective and how was he hired?
    Benoit Blanc, he was given an anonymous message and a sum of money
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