Game Preview

Reported speech with Gerund and Infinitive

  •  English    23     Public
    This game is to review "reported speech" including verbs followed by Gerund or Infinitive
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • “You are not allowed to run out of the garden”. Ms Kelly said to the children
    Ms. Kelly prevented the children from running out of the garden
  •  15
  • “Yes, okay, I’ll lend you my car tomorrow”. Alex said to Bell
    Alex agreed to lend Bell his car the next day
  •  15
  • “ I’ll work early, honest I will” Angela said
    Angela promised to work early.
  •  15
  • "Password, say or die", the robbers said to Chou
    The robbers threatened Chou to say the password.
  •  15
  • "Is it true that you do not know the victim?", the detective asked Dollar
    The detective suspected Dollar of knowing the victim
  •  15
  • "We are grateful for your contribution to our school", the headmaster told Lucy
    The headmaster thanked Lucy for contributing to their school.
  •  15
  • "First, press the red button before the green one", V talked to Lana
    V instructed Lana to press the red button before the green one.
  •  15