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ENGLISH 6 - Lesson 2

  •  English    29     Public
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  • You’re telling me that yesterday you walked to a park and THEN you got some ice cream. Using AFTER THAT, tell me what you did yesterday in another way.
    Yesterday I walked to a park, and after that I got some ice cream.
  •  15
  • Did you know that cycling is the official exercise in the state of Illinois? Do you think it would be fun to go biking in Illinois? Why (not)?
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  • Do you like to travel? Would you like to travel like a nomad? Why (not)?
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  • Do you think it’s more interesting to travel by plane or by train? Explain.
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  • You want to know how much time is necessary to get to Mendes from Vassouras. Using DOES IT TAKE, ask the question in another way.
    How long does it take to get to Mendes from Vassouras?
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  • How long it takes to drive to your school from your house?
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  • Your room is a mess, and your friend Sue has given you some very good ideas to organize your room. Using TERRIFIC, say it in another way.
    My room is a mess, and Sue has given me some terrific ideas to organize my room.
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  • You want to know how much time Bob needs to take a shower. Using DOES IT TAKE YOU, ask Bob the question in another way.
    How long does it take you to take a shower?
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  • Do you know any tricks that would help you remember things faster? (If aff.) What is it?
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  • Have you and your family ever moved? (If aff.) When did you move and where did you move to? (If negative.) If you could, where would you like to move to?
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  • My dad has worked at Toyota for five years. Does it mean that my dad doesn’t work at Toyota anymore or that he still works at Toyota?
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  • My mom worked at HUV for fifteen years. Does it mean that my mom still works at HUV or that she doesn’t work there anymore?
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  • What school did you study at when you were a kid? How long did you study there? (GCA)
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  • Do you think the life of a nomad is interesting or difficult? Explain.
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  • Do you think it is a good idea to buy round-trip tickets when we travel? Why (not)?
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  • When you travel by train, which do you think is better, a local line or an express line? What’s the difference between a local line and an express line?
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