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B1.3 U18 Reading

  •  English    10     Public
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  • 1 How did Taylor Swift help a fan who was sick?
    She spent two hours having lunch with the fan
  •  15
  • 2 What did the actor do for the boy who found his wallet?
    When a fan returned his wallet, he gave him all the contents (money) and a bit extra.
  •  15
  • 3 What good thing did a football player do?
    Hededicated a goal to a young boy with a serious illness and paid for his medical treatment.
  •  15
  • 4 Why did Selena Gomez invite fans into her car?
    so they could get away from the reporters
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  • 5 What good things does Ariana Grande do?
    Sheraisesmoney through charity concerts for various charities, including ones for people who are ill
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  • 6 Why did Niall give his fans hot chocolate?
    They were camping out overnight to seehim in a show
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  • 7 What does the author think it is OK for fans to do?
    read about celebrities, watch their movies, buy their music, clothes or perfume
  •  15
  • 8 What does the author say fans should remember to do?
    show celebrities respect and give them space
  •  15
  • Lucky number
    +10 points
  •  10
  • Unlucky number
    - 5 points
  •  5