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Two Answers - Choose Wisely!

  •  English    24     Featured
    It's trivia time! Guess one of the two answers given in the question.
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  • What city is home to the United Nations headquarters: Reno or New York City?
    New York City. The United Nations is a group that works to promote peace among nations.
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  • What comedienne married Desi Arnaz: Ethel Merman or Lucille Ball?
    Lucille Ball. Arnaz and Ball starred as husband and wife in the popular television show I Love Lucy, from 1951 to 1957.
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  • How many years are between summer Olympic games (typically): seven years or four years?
    Four years. Gymnastics, track and field, and swimming are considered the three most popular sports to watch during the summer Olympic games.
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  • What popular hairstyle was named after a honey-making insect’s home: the bob or the beehive?
    The beehive. The beehive was a popular hairstyle during the 1960s in Chicago.
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  • Romaine, iceberg, Boston, and Bibb are all types of what: corn or lettuce?
    Lettuce. Fun fact: Lettuce is an annual plant and part of the daisy family.
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  • How many wheels does a unicycle have: three or one?
    One. The first unicycle was patented in the late 1800s.
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  • What do we call the powerful tropical storm that is known to start out on the water and build strength before traveling onto land: a blizzard or a hurricane?
    A hurricane. Wind, temperature, and moisture are all factors in creating hurricanes. In the United States, they are most common from mid-August through October.
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  • What is the smallest planet in our solar system: Saturn or Mercury?
    Mercury. It is also the closest to the sun and able to complete its orbit in 88 days.
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