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The World on the Turtle's Back

  •  English    20     Public
    Myth by Iroquois Storytellers
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What term refers to six Native American groups that share a culture?
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  • Folk literature includes all of the following except
    rhyming couplets
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  • A creation myth includes all of the following except
    a description of how the the Universe, Earth, or life began
    a tragic hero
    an explanation of the workings of the natural world
    supernatural elements
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  • Which of the following is an archetype?
    dynamic character
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  • How does the turtle help the woman who fell from the sky?
    He carries the woman on his back.
    He makes the earth grow.
    He brings soil from the ocean floor.
    He breaks the woman's fall.
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  • What happened when the twin's mother is buried?
    The plants that people still use grew.
    A sacred tree grew from her head.
    She became the light in the sky.
    Man was created from her ribs.
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  • What happens to the left-handed twin?
    He becomes the ruler of the underworld.
    He kills his grandmother.
    He becomes the Master of Life.
    He kills his brother and mother.
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  • What Iroquois values are revealed by the creatures' actions toward the woman who fell?
    The story shows that the Iroquois value of helping others; doing everything that one can to be helpful; and discussing problems to find a solution.
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  • What characteristics and behaviors suggest that the right-handed twin is an archetypal hero?
    The right-handed twin would be considered the hero because he made all the things that were good and helpful. He also created humans.
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  • What characteristics and behaviors suggest that the left-handed twin is an archetypal villian?
    The left-handed twin created all things bad or deadly. The Iroquois called him the "crooked mind."
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  • How is the conflict between the twins resolved?
    The right-handed twin killed his brother and cast his body out of the world into another.
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  • What does the resolution of the story suggest about the Iroquois' view of both twins?
    The Iroquois believed there was a place for both of the brothers and that they continued to act as a balance to each other.
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  • What elements of the world and human nature does this myth explain?
    The myth explains how the world was created. It explains why humans have both good and evil impulses.
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  • Why does the man go to the Great Tree at the beginning of the myth?
    He wanted to make his wife happy since she was hungry due to her pregnancy.
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  • What was the rule about the Great Tree?
    No one should mark it our mutilate it.
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  • The arrows the man brings to the woman represent
    the twins she would later deliver
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