Game Preview

Speech Game

  •  English    13     Public
    Using scripts and strategies during challenging moments and maintaining conversations
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What's your favorite video game?
    My favorite is ____.
  •  15
  • Jack hates loud noises. One of his classmates started to play a video during prize without headphones. How do you think Jack is feeling? What script or strategy can he use?
    Annoyed; Use a polite/neutral tone to self-advocate or get headphones
  •  25
  • Start a conversation about dogs
    Do you have a dog? Would you ever want a dog?
  •  15
  • What is the largest continent in the world?
  •  15
  • Sandy was excited for water play during field day. When her classmate squirted her legs with water, she realized how cold it was! How do you think Sandy is feeling? What script or strategy can she use?
    Surprised/uncomfortable; "I'm feeling uncomfortable with the water, can I not get squirted at?"
  •  25
  • Zeek was talking to his classmate about vacation he went on 2 years ago at Myrtle Beach. His classmate said, “Oh, you’re going there this summer?” Zeek was thinking, “That’s not even close to what I said.” What script or strategy can he use
    "Can I try to explain this a different way?"
  •  25
  • Nick is waiting to get called on during class. His teacher is answering another student’s question, but he feels like his teacher isn’t listening to him. How do you think Nick is feeling? What script or strategy can he use?
    Frustrated; Use putty until teacher is available
  •  25
  • Ethan got ice cream with his mom after school. Right when he walked out of the place, he dropped his ice cream on the floor. How is Ethan feeling? What script or strategy can he use?
    Angry/disappointed; make a plan "Can I get another ice cream cone?"
  •  25
  • What is your favorite season?
    My favorite season is_____.
  •  15
  • Start a conversation about dinosaurs
    Do you like dinosaurs? Did you know___?
  •  15
  • What is your favorite part of the school day?
    My favorite part is ____.
  •  15
  • Start a conversation about the weekend
    What are you doing this weekend? Who will you be with?
  •  25
  • What is the capital of Florida?
  •  15