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RIDDLES (Vacation/ Travel)

  •  English    7     Public
    Answer the questions.
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  • Where do eggs go on summer vacation?
    New Yolk City!
  •  15
  • Why can't basketball players go on summer vacation?
    They get called for traveling!
  •  15
  • Where did the sheep go on vacation?
    The baaaahamas
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  • Where do crayons go on vacation?
  •  15
  • Do you know which part of London is also present in France?
    The letter 'N'
  •  15
  • What is the fastest country in the world?
  •  15
  • I am a 5 letter word. Take away the first letter and I am a country's name. Take away the first two letters and I become the opposite of the 5 letter word. Who am I?
    Woman, oman, man.
  •  15