Game Preview


  •  English    8     Public
    Identify what is being asked.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What-is-in-the-middle-of-paris-but-it-is-not-in-the-middle-of-london?
  •  15
  • What travels around the world but stays in one corner?
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  • The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
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  • I flew to Japan and I bought a pair of shoes and a shirt. What did I buy first? 
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  • I know a country. If you remove the last alphabet of its name, it will become a part of your body. Do you?
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  • What country makes you shiver?
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  • Two trains both enter a one way tunnel at different ends exactly on 9:00, but they both come out the other end unharmed 5 minutes later, how is this possible?
    One train entered the tunnel at 9:00am and the other at 9:00pm.
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  • A old man was going to New York. Along the way he met a man with seven wives. Each wife had seven children. Each child had seven cats. Each cat had seven kittens. Kittens, cats, children, wives. How many people are going to New York?
    One. The old man is going to New York alone.
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