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Ancient Greek Democracy

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    This Bamboozle is about Ancient Greek Democracy
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  • The ancient Greek name for democracy.
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  • The person who introduced democracy in Athens.
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  • This body consisted of 500 members drawn each year. They were in charge of the city state of Athens.
    The Council
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  • A meeting in which freeborn men over 30 voted for laws suggested by the Council.
    The Assembly or Ekklesia
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  • Every year the Assembly wrote down the names of bad politicians on ostraka. Those with more than 6000 votes were banished for ten year.
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  • The year Cleisthenes introduced demokratia.
    507 BC
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  • Pieces of broken pottery used to write down unpopular politicians.
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  • Hillside auditorium west of the Acropolis where the ekklesia (the assembly) met.
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  • Athenian Citizenship was granted to ...
    Athenians with two citizen parents (born in Athens); could not be granted through naturalization;
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  • Foreign residents in Athens were called ...
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  • What is clepsydra?
    Water clocks used to time speeches given during a trial.
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  • Who could be juror?
    Citizens over 30
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  • How many jurors were chosen for list at start of year?
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  • Who presented the cases?
    Plaintiff and defendant
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  • How did jurors vote?
    Stone in urn
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  • What size were juries?
    Usually between 201 and 501
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