Game Preview

grade 8 year review

  •  English    21     Public
    year review
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • If you _____________ (get) back late, I ________________(be) angry.
    If you get back late, I will be angry.
  •  15
  • If the weather ____________________ (not/improve) , we ____________ (not/have) a picnic.
    If the weather doesn't improve, we won't have a picnic.
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  • I _____________ (marry) someone famous if I ______________ (be) a movie star.
    I would marry someone famous if I was a movie star.
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  • That box _________________ (look) better if you painted it blue.
    That box would look better if you painted it blue.
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  • We play tennis or basketball on a ....
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  • Complete the sentence with a phrasal verb: I'm going to ..... tennis. Tomorrow is my first class
    take up
  •  15
  • Have you seen that? He has just ..... such a great goal!
  •  15
  • Complete the sentence with a phrasal verb: He has hurt his leg because he didn't .... before running
    warm up
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  • Paraphrase the sentence in PASSTVE VOICE: Tourists don't visit this museum very often.
    This museum isn't visited very often.
  •  15
  • Paraphrase the sentence in PASSTVE VOICE: Oscar Wilde wrote "The Picture of Dorian Gray" in 1890.
    "The Picture of Dorian Gray" was written in 1890 by Oscar Wilde.
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  • Paraphrase the sentence in PASSTVE VOICE: You shouldn't send your children to a boarding school.
    Your children shouldn't be sent to a boarding school.
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  • Translate the sentence using PAST SIMPLE and PAST PERFECT: Они купили новую машину только после того, как старая сломалась.
    They bought a new car after the old one had broken
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  • The process of voting for a president or prime minister.
  •  15
  • Official rules that people must obey
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  • Ruble, dollar, euro - what do we call them in English?
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  • In Russia a school year is divided into four parts but in Great Britain it`s divided into three parts which are called.....
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