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Topic: Relationships

  •  English    16     Public
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  • What are characteristics of a toxic friend?
    Selfish, do not listen, pressure you to doing things you don't like doing
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  • What are characteristics of a "good" friend?
    They care about you, listen to you, believe in you, want to help and see you succeed
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  • What are some risks of having "online friends"
    You might not truly know who they are, what their intentions are
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  • What are some examples of real friends and online friends?
    online friends are people you might have only met through social media versus people you have met in school or grew up with
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  • What makes you a good friend?
    I listen, help others, motivate others, encourage others,
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  • What makes you a bad friend?
    I don't ask them what they would like to do. I peer pressure them to do things they don't like doing. I don't ask how their day is going.
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  • How would a good friend sincerely apologize?
    “I’m sorry you feel that way”
    I am so sorry i hurt you're feeling I will not do that again
    “I’m sorry I hurt your feelings, but it was just a joke.“
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  • You might not even have a good explanation why, but when you leave them, you feel more relieved than disappointed, and you don’t look forward to spending time with them.
    good/high quality friendship
    Toxic friendship
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  • You Have a friend who likes to point out the ways you don’t measure up to their other friends?
    Toxic Friendship
    Good/high quality friendship
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  • Ever had a fair-weather friend? They drop in when things are going well or when they need something, but when you’re struggling, you can’t reach them at all.
    good/high quality friendship
    Toxic Friendship
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  • They accept you for who you are
    Toxic friendship
    Good friendship
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  • is trustworthy and willing to tell you the truth, even when it’s hard for you to hear
    toxic friend
    A good friend
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  • How can you be a good friend?
    give me three examples
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  • is this an example of being a good friend: "Doing things they like to do, even if they're things you don't?"
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  • Hop like a bunny with your whole team!
    Aww man
    Teamwork makes the dream work
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  • Say the abc's with your team!
    Taking it back to kinder!
    Aww man
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