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ENGLISH 4 - Lesson 10 - Situation 1

  •  English    22     Public
    Answer OR Create Questions!
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  • Do you like to check the sports results? (If aff.) Do you prefer to check the sports results in a newspaper or on the Internet?
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  • Pretend you told your friend a secret last week and now everybody at school knows about it. Using out, what’s another way of saying that everybody knows about your secret?
    My secret is out.
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  • Your friend Jessica is always late. Today you’re meeting her at the movie theater. When you get there, she’s waiting for you. What can you say to Jessica to show you’re surprised that she’s early today?
    Why, you’re early today.
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  • Tell us about some good news you got on the Internet last week.
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  • Tell us about some bad news you got on the Internet last week.
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  • Was there a landslide in Vassouras last month?
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  • Pretend my favorite soccer team and your favorite soccer team played a game yesterday. Your team won the game 6 to 1. Was your team’s victory an easy one?
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  • Pretend you were a candidate in the election for student council president at your school. You got 96% of the votes. What can you say about your victory?
    It was a landslide victory
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  • Do you have a lot of friends or just a handful of them?
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  • Pretend your friend Kevin is a soccer fan. There’s a soccer game on TV right now, but he doesn’t want to watch it. Using HOLD ON, show you’re surprised because you thought Kevin liked to watch soccer games.
    Hold on. I thought you liked to watch soccer games.
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  • Are there a lot of soccer supporters in Brazil?
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  • Are you a big cat lover?
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  • If you were the president of Brazil, what would you change?
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  • When was the last time you changed your mind about something? Tell us about it.
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  • You don’t like your sister’s friend Nancy because you think she’s very conceited. Nancy thinks she is better than other people, and she acts that way. What can you say about Nancy’s attitude?
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  • Tell us about a person you think is big-headed.
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