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Poetic Devices

  •  English    15     Public
    Revision of Poetic Devices for year 9
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Which sense does tactile imagery appeal to? (Smell, Taste, Touch, Sight or Hearing)
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  • What is it called when an author assigns human traits to something non-human?
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  • Which sense does 'gustatory imagery' appeal to?
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  • How can you tell the difference between a metaphor and a simile?
    A metaphor compares two things by saying one IS the other, a simile compares two things using 'LIKE' or 'AS'
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  • Give an example of onomatopeia.
    Any word that sounds like the sound it's describing.
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  • What word (starting with S) describes a group of lines in a poem?
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  • What is hyperbole?
    Exaggeration (Exaggerated statements that are not meant to be taken literally)
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  • "Life is LIKE a box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to get". This is an example of which device?
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  • "Mike's bike has bright white stripes." - Which device is this an example of?
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  • "You ARE the apple of my eye" - What is this an example of?
    Metaphor / Cliche
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  • Name one reason creators use repetition in poetry/song lyrics.
    To create rhythm, to impact the mood of a poem, to emphasise a point
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  • "Busy Buzzing, the Bee Behaved Beautifully" - Which device is this an example of?
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  • "The pitter-patter of rain and whispering breeze had progressed into a gushing downpour and howling wind." - Which type of imagery is this an example of? (Which SENSE does this appeal to?)
    Auditory imagery! (sound/hearing)
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  • Name one type of poetry.
    Acrostic, song lyrics, couplet, black-out poetry, sonnet, blank verse, slam poetry, ode, limerick, haiku, epic, etc.
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  • Name ONE reason that multiculturalism is important in poetry.
    Poetry helps us form a better understanding of our own culture and others, promotes respect, empathy and unity, helps identity formation, etc.
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