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Romeo and Juliet Review

  •  English    26     Public
    Final Test Review
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  • Friar John was unable to deliver the letter to Romeo because
    There was an outbreak of the plague. Town officials were afraid to let the Friar into the town.
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  • Benvolio encourages Romeo to go to the Capulet party to
    find other women
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  • In Juliet‘s speech that begins, “O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?” Juliet is asking
    Why must you be Romeo?
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  • In Act Four, although she plans to take the potion Friar Lawrence gave her, Juliet begs her father‘s forgiveness and tells him that she is happy to marry Paris. This is an example of:
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  • At the beginning of the play, Romeo is distraught because
    he is in love with Rosaline, but she has rejected him
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  • The apothecary agrees to give Romeo the potion because he
    is poor and needs the money
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  • What year was Shakespeare born?
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  • Who was Shakespeare's wife?
    Anne Hathaway
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  • The name of theater where Shakespeare's plays were performed...
    The Globe Theatre
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  • What year did Shakespeare die?
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