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  •  English    12     Public
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  • How many kinds of tarantulas are there?
    Over 800
  •  15
  • True or false: Tarantulas live in all kinds of climates and temperatures.
    False - they live in warm places.
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  • True or false: Tarantulas are either black or brown.
    False - they can be many different colors.
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  • True or false: Tarantulas have hard, hairy bodies.
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  • Name two things that tarantula hairs do.
    They sense heat, cold, movement; they help with taste and smell; they can be used to sting enemies; they help the tarantula to hold on when climbing.
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  • True or false: A tarantula's eight eyes help it see very well.
    False - tarantulas only see light, dark, and movement.
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  • True or false: Tarantulas weave beautiful webs to catch their prey.
    False - they make silk but do not weave webs. They may cover the walls of their holes with silk or make tunnels with silk.
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  • Name two prey tarantulas eat.
    Insects, frogs, lizards, bats, mice, small snakes, other tarantulas.
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  • True or false: Tarantulas use fangs and venom to catch prey.
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  • What does a tarantula hawk wasp do?
    The female wasp stings the tarantula to make it stop moving. Then she lays an egg on the tarantula's body. The young insect hatches and feeds on the tarantula.
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  • What is the biggest threat or danger to tarantulas?
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  • True or False: Tarantulas are the largest spiders in the world.
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